On November 30th Christian made his first presentation in front of students and staff of Greenbrook school and on December 7th we held our first "Pajama Day"!
We want to thank all the staff and families of Greenbrook School for all they did to make our fundraiser a GREAT success!! We raised over $700.00!! Families were more then generous with most sending in more than the suggested $1.00 donation! WE THANK YOU!! With your help, we will be able to provide much needed assistance to families battling cancer!
After the winter vacation we will be attending a Friday assembly to announce the class that raised the most and the class that had the most participation. For those two classes we will be providing a treat...at a time of the teacher's approval.
We are hoping to have this event spread to the other elementary schools in the district! We are hoping to approach the other schools early next year. If you or someone you know would like to help out, please let us know!
So, once again, I would like to personally thank Mrs. Holliday for allowing us the opportunity, Donna Sock for all her help dispersing info to the classes and gathering up the donations, ALL the staff for helping promote and pull off a great day and to Lisa Carneglia for all her help collecting, counting and being there for me....Because of all of you and the wonderful families of Kendall Park, our event was a success!!!
On December 2nd Lisa and I held a "Cookie Swap". This was a first for me!! We had several people come and share the day. Everyone exchanged cookies but also brought extra so we could send cookies to families in need. It was GREAT fun! We shared appetizers, hot cider and COOKIES!! But mostly we shared conversation! It was great to have so many wonderful people in one place!! Thank you to everyone who attended...you helped make a family smile!
Due to the STORM that hit us in October...many of our events were put on hold. Now with the holidays fast approaching we will be taking a breather to share together time with families. But with the NEW YEAR comes new goals and new event...we need to hit the ground running! I would like to get a meeting together after the first of the year. Let's throw some dates around and see how many people we can get on board! We need people for many different things...with your help we can make great things happen!!
Enjoy the days leading to the holiday and remember not to stress...get done what you can and leave the rest...it really won't matter as long as you are together! Take the time to breath, share, love your family...! I know for me every moment is a blessing...remembering where I was the past two Christmases...Every cookie I bake, every Christmas movie I watch, every moment I get with my family...to see my granddaughter open her presents this year...and to await the arrival of my new granddaughter...all blessings...! You can be sure I am Thankful!
The wish I have for Christmas is a wish so many of us have...to see cancer conquered...to have no other mother see the fear in her children's eyes as she slowly fades in front of them...a victim to this terrible disease. To see this cancer defeated as it has defeated so many!
Help us do what we can...help us ease the burden cancer places on a family...the only way we can...day by day!