Please click the link below to make a donation through Paypal.
You may also mail in donations to:
Day by Day Hope Foundation
90 Sandhill Road
Kendall Park, NJ 08824
Day by Day Hope Foundation
90 Sandhill Road
Kendall Park, NJ 08824
Elizabeth Pawelczak Scholarship Fund
To make a donation in memory of Elizabeth Pawelczak please mail checks to:
Day by Day Hope Foundation
Attn: Elizabeth Pawelczak Scholarship Fund
90 Sandhill Road
Kendall Park, NJ 08824
You may also use our paypal donate button above and include a memo that the donation is in memory of Elizabeth Pawelczak
Day by Day Hope Foundation
Attn: Elizabeth Pawelczak Scholarship Fund
90 Sandhill Road
Kendall Park, NJ 08824
You may also use our paypal donate button above and include a memo that the donation is in memory of Elizabeth Pawelczak
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